The Blind Toy

She sits at the sliding door and watches
the vertical blinds swing. She keeps still for long minutes,
moving only to make the blinds dance.

I posted this poem because my precious baby has discovered the blinds and is now enthralled by them. It’s giving me more time to work and write than ever. May she never lose interest in playing with the window blinds.

Poem from Day Five

Snot Bubbles Inflate

Snot bubbles inflate from her nose like a poorly blown bubble gum;
clear and green snot drips beneath the bubbles into her mouth.
She smiles, two teeth white and unstained rip through lower gums.
Her pudgy hand reaches into my hair and tightens around my hair.
She cackles and shoves my hair into her mouth,
rubbing it over her upper lip and snot.
Giggling, she pulls herself into my chest where she nestles,
coos, and sucks my hair.